Thursday, May 31, 2007

Understand the Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea is a drink widely consumed in China, Japan, and other Asian nations and is gaining popularity in many Western nations. The tea is made from dried and steamed leaves of the Camellia sinesis bush, a plant native to Asia.

Green tea is also promoted as a herd that has the ability to avert certain bacterial infections. Apart from tasting great, green tea has long established a reputation for conveying splendid health benefits, and is particularly suggested for the ill. The benefits of green tea are becoming more apparent.

Green tea is prepared by delicately steaming fresh tea leaves, whereas black tea is made from leaves that have been dried out and roasted, and that therefore looses a lot of their medicinal power.

Studies into the compounds found in the tea do suggest that the optimum way to obtain the greatest health benefits of green tea is to drink it freshly made, after soaking the leaves for up to five minutes.

In order to gain any health benefits, a regular daily intake, ideally three to four cups per day of green tea or green tea extract is thought to help your overall well being.

Green tea has been attributed with offering a variety of health benefits, several of which have not as yet been uphold by any scientific evidence and some that may just be folklore.

These are just a few of the health benefits of which green tea has been linked to - reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol levels, cancer prevention, weight-loss, improved memory abilities, increased immune system response, and recently even been claimed as a possible way to reduce rheumatoid arthritis pain. Green tea is readily available in health food shops, chemists, and all over the internet.

Regardless of whether the benefits of green tea are as widespread as some sources allege, a few mugs of either green or black tea is an ideal addition to a diet as an alternative to high calorie fruit drinks and sodas.

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