Friday, August 24, 2007

Is Loose Tea Better Than Tea Bags?

Is loose tea really better than tea bags? Some tea cognoscentis will reply a resonant yes; however, others curse by tea bags. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

The convenience of tea bags is a considerable factor, especially when brewing a cup at work or away from home. Using a tea bag you can bask a good cup of tea anywhere hot H2O or a microwave is to be found. Wrapped, they suit very nicely in the bag and are always handy.

The tea used in tea bags is usually fannings and dust. These are simply littler particles, but may be broken leaves of absence of first-class quality tea. The smaller, broken atoms brewage more quickly, because of the greater surface area. Absorption of caffeine and tannic acids are usually a small greater from a tea bag as well, again owed to the littler particles. This tin be an advantage, or not, depending on your tastes.

One major disadvantage of tea bags is that the littler broken atoms used in tea bags be given to travel stale more than quickly. A whole leave of absence will reserve its freshness much longer, so tea bags should not be stored for long term use.

Loose teas come up in more than varieties, which can be used individually or blended to your ain tastes. Most tea bags are blended for a specific flavor. Using loose tea, you can savor the pure spirit of each variety, then intermix to your preferences.

Environmentally witting tea partisans compost their tea leaves, while tea bags are not as environment friendly. This is an further consideration.

When using loose tea, you can command the quality and freshness of the tea. Some of the tea used in tea bags is of less quality, but this is true of loose teas as well. I urge that you judge each trade name and method of brewing according to your taste sensation penchants and convenience factors. While there will probably always be a small snobbishness surrounding this debate, the chief consideration is the enjoyment of a good cup of tea.


Unknown said...

I only drink loose tea. The flavor is better and so is the selection

Unknown said...


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